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How LED Light Panels Can Benefit You

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Replacing the lighting in your home or office with LED's can offer you some benefits that you might not have considered. Whether you are using LED panels to light a large area, or individual lights installed in fixtures throughout the building, you may find it is worth the expense to replace your old lights with LEDs.

Lower Your Energy Bill

One of the most significant benefits that come from switching to an LED light panel is the lower cost of operation. The LED panels use groups of light-emitting diodes to produce the light you need. These diodes are small, draw very little power, and create a tremendous amount of light that can be used in many different ways.

Combining more LEDs on the same board allows the panel to be brighter, and the color and brightness of the LEDs can be easily changed to suit your needs without any change in the amount of electricity they are using.

Lower Temperature

Traditional lights radiate heat from the bulbs when they are on and can heat up your room. LED panels do not produce heat, so the panels are much more comfortable to work under. If you need a large amount of light in a small space, LEDs are an excellent choice for an office or small room that requires a lot of lights in it.

LED panels are safer to use in environments that involve chemicals or flammable materials as well. LEDs do not have a filament that can cause a spark even if the diode breaks.

Light Styles and Designs

LED panels are available in many sizes and are used to make many different types of light fixtures, so finding a style that works for your situation is not too difficult. Most home centers and lighting stores offer LED light panels and bulbs that can be installed in your home or office easily.

If you are looking for something specific, ask the employee at the store about your options if you don't see something you like in the store, and whether they can order you something specific or if they have a catalog of lights that you can choose yours from.

Life Expectancy

The life of a regular light bulb can vary by the type of bulb, the wattage of the bulb, and how hot it gets. LEDs do not have the same issue, and the life of an LED light or panel is much longer than incandescent bulbs. The LEDs are a little more money to purchase, but they will save you money over the long run. 
